Lazy T&R updates
Thursday, May 27
Pertussis links

I googled the following information about Pertussis for you who are interested
I was also sent this by Aunt Sue

Small Decision, Large Impact: Why Not Vaccinating Your Child Is Dangerous | shows how lack of vaccination increases cases in nordic countries |
Six Common Misconceptions about vaccination and how to respond to them | scroll down to the yellow box to get the comparison of issues from the vaccine compared to issues from the disease |
Pertussis vaccine | WHO reports summary and conclusion |
Anti-Vaccination Fever The Shot Hurt Around the World | shows how lack of vaccination due to media frenzy increases cases around the developing world |
Whooping cough a continuing problem | British Medical Journal report |
I was also sent this by Aunt Sue
Wednesday, May 26
Rebecca: Update 5/26

We are encouraged by the small progresses we are seeing. Everyday, Rebecca has a chest x-ray, and each time her lungs appear just a little bit clearer, and she is not having near as many coughing episodes which result in the nurses "bagging" her. But besides that, things remain basically the same, as she is still on the respirator and kept heavily sedated. (She has not opened her eyes for over a week and a half now, nor have we barely touched her [so as not to stimulate her and cause her to begin coughing], and to hold her is completely out of the question.) It does seem that Rebecca is over the worst part now, but, of course, her condition is still very serious.
Dan started back to work this week; it has been hard for him being away from the hospital for long periods, as well as talking to many about the situation--especially to mere acquaintances and co-workers. Although Chrisy remains at Rebecca's side, she now stands vigil for several hours a day by herself. Both are looking forward to spending more time with Charity as Rebecca improves.
We thank God for His sustaining power, and for every breath Rebecca takes. We also thank Him for the equipment, machines, and medicine He has made available in order to keep this child (and others like her) alive, when not too many years ago this would not have been possible.
Please keep praying for God's healing hand upon little Rebecca.
Love, Sue

We are encouraged by the small progresses we are seeing. Everyday, Rebecca has a chest x-ray, and each time her lungs appear just a little bit clearer, and she is not having near as many coughing episodes which result in the nurses "bagging" her. But besides that, things remain basically the same, as she is still on the respirator and kept heavily sedated. (She has not opened her eyes for over a week and a half now, nor have we barely touched her [so as not to stimulate her and cause her to begin coughing], and to hold her is completely out of the question.) It does seem that Rebecca is over the worst part now, but, of course, her condition is still very serious.
Dan started back to work this week; it has been hard for him being away from the hospital for long periods, as well as talking to many about the situation--especially to mere acquaintances and co-workers. Although Chrisy remains at Rebecca's side, she now stands vigil for several hours a day by herself. Both are looking forward to spending more time with Charity as Rebecca improves.
We thank God for His sustaining power, and for every breath Rebecca takes. We also thank Him for the equipment, machines, and medicine He has made available in order to keep this child (and others like her) alive, when not too many years ago this would not have been possible.
Please keep praying for God's healing hand upon little Rebecca.
Love, Sue
Tuesday, May 25 SOHW-832S Dual Layer DVD Writer Review SOHW-832S Dual Layer DVD Writer Review SOHW-832S Dual Layer DVD Writer Review
Monday, May 24
Rebecca Update

Our little Rebecca is about the same, with little change. We are encouraged now and then to see her breathing a little "above" the respirator setting. She is also able to get herself through an episode of (silent) coughing and choking more often, rather than having the nurses intervene for her. An x-ray taken of her lungs yesterday showed some improvement there, also. Because of the many blood tests required, and the small amount of blood Rebecca started with due to her size, a transfusion was given a couple of days ago. Her color looks much better as a result. Rebecca's body is also becoming somewhat resistant to the constant medication being pumped through her veins; this has warranted higher doses to keep her sedated. We are told that she will later be given methodone, as her body will go through withdrawals from all the morphine she has been on.
Thanks for your continued prayers.
Until next time,

Our little Rebecca is about the same, with little change. We are encouraged now and then to see her breathing a little "above" the respirator setting. She is also able to get herself through an episode of (silent) coughing and choking more often, rather than having the nurses intervene for her. An x-ray taken of her lungs yesterday showed some improvement there, also. Because of the many blood tests required, and the small amount of blood Rebecca started with due to her size, a transfusion was given a couple of days ago. Her color looks much better as a result. Rebecca's body is also becoming somewhat resistant to the constant medication being pumped through her veins; this has warranted higher doses to keep her sedated. We are told that she will later be given methodone, as her body will go through withdrawals from all the morphine she has been on.
Thanks for your continued prayers.
Until next time,
Saturday, May 22
Rebecca Myers in the hospital

As some of you may know Rebecca Myers (Rachelle's Cousin's Daughter) has been admitted to the Hospital with pertussis, the following is an update from her Grandma (Rachelle's Aunt Sue) Please keep little Rebecca in your prayers, and encourage her and her family through your comments on the website or by Emailing Aunt Sue.
Rebecca had a rough day and night (Friday) with her monitor numbers. This indicates continued problems with her breathing, CO-2 levels, heart rate, etc. The nurses continue to break up and suction out lots of sticky mucous from her lungs, and this treatment usually always puts Rebecca into a coughing fit in which she has difficulty recovering her breath. The ventilator is still breathing for her, though we watch constantly for the numbers to show that she is doing even a little bit on her own.
Rebecca has been in the hospital (Pediatric ICU) one week now. Most of the time she has been lying on her back. This has resulted in a flattening of the back of her head (her skull still being so soft and moldable). Of course, this will correct itself quickly, but it is still very disheartening to see.
Please pray that there will be signs soon to indicate it is time to begin weaning her off of the respirator. We know, however, this could be awhile, for it is not uncommon for infants in Rebecca's condition with Pertussis to remain hospitalized for 3 or more weeks.
Chrisy and Dan are doing well, considering. The nurses are making sure they get enough sleep and regular meals. Charity is being cared for by her Grandma & Grandpa Myers, her aunts and uncles, and many cousins in Auburn. She hardly has time to miss her mom, dad, and baby sister; she gets so much attention there. We are very thankful for the Myers' extended family.
That's about it. I'm headed for the hospital soon to give Dan & Chrisy a chance to get back to their house and take care of some things there.
Keep sending those prayers heavenward!
Love, Sue

As some of you may know Rebecca Myers (Rachelle's Cousin's Daughter) has been admitted to the Hospital with pertussis, the following is an update from her Grandma (Rachelle's Aunt Sue) Please keep little Rebecca in your prayers, and encourage her and her family through your comments on the website or by Emailing Aunt Sue.
Rebecca had a rough day and night (Friday) with her monitor numbers. This indicates continued problems with her breathing, CO-2 levels, heart rate, etc. The nurses continue to break up and suction out lots of sticky mucous from her lungs, and this treatment usually always puts Rebecca into a coughing fit in which she has difficulty recovering her breath. The ventilator is still breathing for her, though we watch constantly for the numbers to show that she is doing even a little bit on her own.
Rebecca has been in the hospital (Pediatric ICU) one week now. Most of the time she has been lying on her back. This has resulted in a flattening of the back of her head (her skull still being so soft and moldable). Of course, this will correct itself quickly, but it is still very disheartening to see.
Please pray that there will be signs soon to indicate it is time to begin weaning her off of the respirator. We know, however, this could be awhile, for it is not uncommon for infants in Rebecca's condition with Pertussis to remain hospitalized for 3 or more weeks.
Chrisy and Dan are doing well, considering. The nurses are making sure they get enough sleep and regular meals. Charity is being cared for by her Grandma & Grandpa Myers, her aunts and uncles, and many cousins in Auburn. She hardly has time to miss her mom, dad, and baby sister; she gets so much attention there. We are very thankful for the Myers' extended family.
That's about it. I'm headed for the hospital soon to give Dan & Chrisy a chance to get back to their house and take care of some things there.
Keep sending those prayers heavenward!
Love, Sue
Wednesday, May 19
Thursday, May 6
Sending Large Files

This is a useful article for those people who need to send a large file which is too big to be handled in email - I for instance plan on making possible to ftp or something to the photo album so that people can upload their own pictures.

This is a useful article for those people who need to send a large file which is too big to be handled in email - I for instance plan on making possible to ftp or something to the photo album so that people can upload their own pictures.
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