Lazy T&R updates
Thursday, June 7
  2007-06-07 USS Midway Coronado Beach and Smores

Today we went to USS midway a retired Carrier which served from the second world war until the 1st gulf war. I was a little apprehensive about this as we had taken the boys to a warship before in Washington & they had got kinda bored, but I had forgotten that this time there was the Aeroplane factor too. this meant that they did a bit of ship followed by planes followed by ship etc etc, it was well worth going to and the headset guides that you got as part of your entrance fee were well worth it. Jamin & I had to share as he wasn't old enough for his own, but I had been smart enough to bring an extra set of phones and the splitter so that we could listen at the same time. this had the added bonus of making sure that he was tied to me ;-)

Jamin tied to Dad

junior officers quarters

After the Midway we went to Coronado beach which was beautiful. This was Elizabeths first time on the beach and she loved it and giggled consistently in the waves - she had a blast!

Finally after everyone was worn out we headed home for supper which was followed by smores which were a huge hit

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