Lazy T&R updates
Thursday, June 10
  Rebecca must eat her way out of hospital--
After another long and noisy night at the hospital, Rebecca is still improving. The doctor has put her up to a test: If, in the next 24 hours (Wednesday morning through Thursday morning), Rebecca can show that she is able to eat enough to sustain herself without the feeding tube, then she will be able to go home. Chrisy and I are convinced that Rebecca is ready; but her doctor still needs more proof. Rebecca must literally 'eat her way out' of the hospital! We hope and pray this will be her last night there. Chrisy plans to stay with Rebecca tonight (after all day). Please pray that she will not grow weary or discouraged; it has been such a long, hard, 3-and-a-half weeks.

Heading off to bed for some much needed sleep,
Yours very truly, Aunt Sue

P.S. By the way, Chrisy is feeling better, too--no more hives, and she is taking medicine to calm down the hayfever symptoms. Thanks for praying for her.

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