Lazy T&R updates
Friday, February 27
Heal Your Church Web Site

I found this Heal Your Church Web Site today, kinda a weird name but I found it interesting as it talked about how to do a good job of your site, and stop it being cheesy. I also found out that I shouldn't have deleted old pages that were actually getting ranked on google. now of course nothing ranks on google, but right now only , Rachelle, Ethan, and Jamin bring back our site on google - Tim, Rob, Jon, and Billie get you nothing - or at least nothing of interest!

Wednesday, February 25
Shrove Tuesday

OK OK, I know today is Ash Wednesday but yesterday was Shrove Tuesday, and we at the Sinclair-Lee household celebrated by having some friends come over for pancakes - not the american "wodgy" version with syrup on but the english crepe style with lemon and sugar. I got to eat a whole batch before I finally figured out what I was doing
. We had a bunch of people invited - I even remembered to invite them in advance rather than the day of!! Unfortunately everyone except the Christiansens got sick at the last minute 
the last time we did this was down in Fremont where I made the mistake of inviting people over for pancakes - half of them came expecting american pancakes, only the Welsh, and South Africans knew what they would get to eat!! This time I just invited everyone for dessert and printed off some stuff so that they knew what it was all about.
In conclusion fun was had by all and hopefully with a good reviews from those who did attend more will want to come next year!!
for those of you who were invited and didn't make it, I do know and totally understand why so please don't take this as a dig at you - it was just a bummer not having the pleasure of your presence.

OK OK, I know today is Ash Wednesday but yesterday was Shrove Tuesday, and we at the Sinclair-Lee household celebrated by having some friends come over for pancakes - not the american "wodgy" version with syrup on but the english crepe style with lemon and sugar. I got to eat a whole batch before I finally figured out what I was doing

the last time we did this was down in Fremont where I made the mistake of inviting people over for pancakes - half of them came expecting american pancakes, only the Welsh, and South Africans knew what they would get to eat!! This time I just invited everyone for dessert and printed off some stuff so that they knew what it was all about.
In conclusion fun was had by all and hopefully with a good reviews from those who did attend more will want to come next year!!
for those of you who were invited and didn't make it, I do know and totally understand why so please don't take this as a dig at you - it was just a bummer not having the pleasure of your presence.
The Passion Of The Christ

The Passion Of The Christ
hear what Ebert & Roeper have to say about it. If you don't know who they are (probably anyone outside the states) there are more reviews here
Rachelle and I are planning on seeing it this Saturday and I'll let you know what we think of it then.

The Passion Of The Christ
hear what Ebert & Roeper have to say about it. If you don't know who they are (probably anyone outside the states) there are more reviews here
Rachelle and I are planning on seeing it this Saturday and I'll let you know what we think of it then.
Tuesday, February 24
website update

The Sinclair-Lee family website has had a minor update - no real content change just the links have been moved to the side of the front page.
Let me know what you want to see on the website and/or blog and I will see what I can do, no promises though

The Sinclair-Lee family website has had a minor update - no real content change just the links have been moved to the side of the front page.
Let me know what you want to see on the website and/or blog and I will see what I can do, no promises though

Friday, February 20
more wedding pictures

here are some more pictures from the wedding. They came from Matt - if you have some to add then send them on over!!
If you were there I would love it if you added some comments about them so that those of us who weren't can get a better idea of what was going on.

here are some more pictures from the wedding. They came from Matt - if you have some to add then send them on over!!
If you were there I would love it if you added some comments about them so that those of us who weren't can get a better idea of what was going on.
Monday, February 16
Monday, February 9
Rachelle's Galavanting

Rachelle has been doing some traveling recently - 2 weeks ago she got to go down south to Pomona for the Cal Horse Expo. Fortunately Candy came down and helped me with the boys. She had fun down there - I should get her to write about it that way you would get the info from the horses mouth as it were
This week she gets to go to Washington again for Cousin Sarah's wedding - we would have all liked to go, but as we got less than a months warning we couldn't afford the flights
. We excited for Sarah though - just wish we could all be there for her.
I'm going to leave it there and let Rachelle fill in the blanks!!

Rachelle has been doing some traveling recently - 2 weeks ago she got to go down south to Pomona for the Cal Horse Expo. Fortunately Candy came down and helped me with the boys. She had fun down there - I should get her to write about it that way you would get the info from the horses mouth as it were

This week she gets to go to Washington again for Cousin Sarah's wedding - we would have all liked to go, but as we got less than a months warning we couldn't afford the flights

I'm going to leave it there and let Rachelle fill in the blanks!!
Friday, February 6

From Our Daily Bread
Read: Colossians 3:1-11
Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. Colossians 3:2
Missionary pilot Bernie May writes, "One of the most difficult lessons to teach new pilots about landing on short, hazardous airstrips is to keep their eyes on the good part of the strip rather than on the hazard. The natural tendency is to concentrate on the obstacle, the danger, the thing he is trying to avoid. But experience teaches us that a pilot who keeps his eye on the hazard will sooner or later hit it dead center."
This makes me think of a spiritual principle in the Bible. Instead of concentrating on the sins we want to avoid, we are told to focus on the positive actions Christ desires for us. Paul told the Christians at Colosse: "Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth" (Colossians 3:2). We are to discard old ways of thinking and acting (vv.5-9) and "put on" new ways of living (vv.10-17).
Bernie May sums it up by saying that experienced pilots focus their attention solidly on the track they want the plane to follow, keeping the hazards in their peripheral vision only.
When Christ and His interests are the focus of our lives, the lure of the old life remains in the corner of our eye, while we aim to land squarely in the center of God's will. David McCasland
I really liked this one - helped me see this well known scripture in a new light. Maybe with a little application I can put this into practice!! It would certainly make a change for me instead of avoiding sin, aiming for Christlike behaviour. Of course theoretically I am already doing this - but I know that in reality I am closer to a 'hazard watcher'

From Our Daily Bread
Read: Colossians 3:1-11
Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. Colossians 3:2
Missionary pilot Bernie May writes, "One of the most difficult lessons to teach new pilots about landing on short, hazardous airstrips is to keep their eyes on the good part of the strip rather than on the hazard. The natural tendency is to concentrate on the obstacle, the danger, the thing he is trying to avoid. But experience teaches us that a pilot who keeps his eye on the hazard will sooner or later hit it dead center."
This makes me think of a spiritual principle in the Bible. Instead of concentrating on the sins we want to avoid, we are told to focus on the positive actions Christ desires for us. Paul told the Christians at Colosse: "Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth" (Colossians 3:2). We are to discard old ways of thinking and acting (vv.5-9) and "put on" new ways of living (vv.10-17).
Bernie May sums it up by saying that experienced pilots focus their attention solidly on the track they want the plane to follow, keeping the hazards in their peripheral vision only.
When Christ and His interests are the focus of our lives, the lure of the old life remains in the corner of our eye, while we aim to land squarely in the center of God's will. David McCasland
I really liked this one - helped me see this well known scripture in a new light. Maybe with a little application I can put this into practice!! It would certainly make a change for me instead of avoiding sin, aiming for Christlike behaviour. Of course theoretically I am already doing this - but I know that in reality I am closer to a 'hazard watcher'

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