Lazy T&R updates
Thursday, January 8
  The Christmas Holiday
Hi all well we've been back for a while - and yet I haven't updated you all on what happened over the holidays - mainly due to the fact that I have been working hard on improving the Galleries - unfortunately as anyone who went to Uni with me can attest to - Tim can't code!!!! so my php skills are severely lacking!!

Here's a run down of the events

Christmas Eve:We did the gifts from family abroad - mainly so we didn't have to squeeze them into the car when we headed up to reading present open
Christmas Day:Spent in Redding with the French family also in attendanceFrench family
Ethan's favourite gift was his tool belt
Boxing Day:
(the 26th for those of you who don't know)
we started driving up to Port Orchard Washington to visit Rachelle's sister MarieMarie
it was a long drive and we got there the next day fortunately we had borrowed Grandma's laptop and so we got to watch the "fish movie" (Finding Nemo) about 3 times on the way up ;-)
We Had fun at the Becks and Photos of it all will go up! Ethan Had fun with Uncle Matt
We built a snow manTim, Tim & Matt
and Jaya and Jamin had fun playing together
we also saw Sarah French whilst we were up there - but didn't get to see the Vialls due to lack of time - that and we hadn't told them we were coming. Finally we saw Jaya's other Uncle Tim (he's in the snowman picture) - now you know that's going to cause confusion at some point!!
the ladies had fun catching up with each other

the journey down was a whole story in and of itself as we had to "chain-up" three times on the way down due to some big snow storms that had swept through Washington and Oregon but we made it back okay (it took 3 days). I will let you all know when the pictures go up.

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