Lazy T&R updates
Friday, March 14
Jedi Training Academy
We went to Disney Land recently and had great fun. Here's a video that I made of Ethan enjoying the Jedi training academy. Hopefully I'll get more up soon ;-)
Saturday, March 8
Ethan's Basketball Season
Ethan played basketball this year and had Rachelle as his coach. He had fun playing and Rachelle enjoyed getting to coach again.
- he got to play Jonah Harm a friend from Church in this game
- Pizza & award party at the end of the season.
Ethan played basketball this year and had Rachelle as his coach. He had fun playing and Rachelle enjoyed getting to coach again.
Jan 12th
Feb 2nd
- he got to play Jonah Harm a friend from Church in this game
Mar 8th
- Pizza & award party at the end of the season.